Perform professional-grade bleed maintenance on your Campagnolo H11 hydraulic braking system with the Campganolo H11 Disc Brake Bleed Kit. This kit contains two syringes, and two hoses—one long, one short—with fittings for Campagnolo brakes.
Servicing our own brakes at home can save a lot of money in bike shop maintenance costs and also teaches us how to work on our bikes. With the Park Tool Hydraulic Brake Bleed Kit we can bleed or brakes at home, allowing us to get back out on the trails... | Park Tool Kits > Made for mechanics who are always at work, the Park Tool BKD-1.2 DOT Fluid Hydraulic Brake Bleed Kit will bleed most models of DOT fluid-based hydraulic disk brakes, with minimal air bubbles and a high level of performance....