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Image of Hareline Polar Reflector Flash Chenille Blood Red

Hareline Polar Reflector Flash Chenille Blood Red

Hareline's polar flash reflector chenille features the same consistency and length as the popular UV Polar Chenille. The main difference between the two is that the Polar Flash Reflector is about half flashy mirror fibers mixed in with the standard translucent...

Image of Hareline Polar Chenille Brown

Hareline Polar Chenille Brown

This fly tying chenille has long, loose translucent fibers that undulate in the water like marabou. Great material for saltwater, trout, steelhead, salmon, and warm water patterns. UV colors have long UV fibers that catch ultraviolet light and make the...

Image of Hareline Dubbin UV Polar Chenille | Gold UV

Hareline Dubbin UV Polar Chenille | Gold UV

The Hareline UV Polar Chenille is unique and has an attractive hue with long translucent fibers that makes it irresistible for all freshwater and saltwater applications. The fibers measure approximately one inch long. The Hareline UV Polar Chenille is...

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