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Image of "Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbait - 9"" - Charged Cisco"

"Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbait - 9"" - Charged Cisco"

This revolutionary Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbaiture isike nothing you've ever seen, but it's everything that big muskies dream of! The extra-lively, triple-tailed, brilliantly colored Medussa features a rock-solid interior harnessocked

Image of Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbait - 9 - Charged Cisco

Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbait - 9 - Charged Cisco

This revolutionary Chaos Tackle Mini Medussa Swimbait lure is like nothing you've ever seen, but it's everything that big muskies dream of! The extra-lively, triple-tailed, brilliantly colored Medussa features a rock-solid interior harness locked onto...

Image of Chaos Tackle Micro Medussa - Charged Cisco

Chaos Tackle Micro Medussa - Charged Cisco

You can't help but catch fish with the Chaos Tackle Micro Medussa.ike other proven fish-catchers in theirineup, this Chaos Tackle soft bait boasts an irresistible 3-tail design to put trophy predators on high alert for an incoming meal. Ideal

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